Is therapy confidential?

It is our ethical and legal duty to maintain the confidentiality of our clients, except in a few limited cases either mandated or permitted by law. We take clients’ confidentiality and safety very seriously. Even in cases where we are authorized or mandated to disclose personal information, we make every effort to be transparent about the process, offer opportunities to ask questions and address concerns, and disclose the minimum amount of information necessary to fulfill the purpose of the disclosure. Please see the Notice of Privacy Practices form below for additional details.

Do you provide virtual services to DMV residents?

We are continuously monitoring the recommendations for responding to the COVID-19 pandemic issued by the CDC and other federal and local health authorities. For our collective safety, all appointments are currently being conducted using HIPAA-compliant virtual platforms.

Can I use my insurance?

Thryve Wellness House is an out-of-network provider. We are not accepting insurance at this time. Many insurance plans offer out-of-network benefits, which will cover a substantial portion of therapy fees. Additionally, therapy is commonly covered by Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and Health Savings Account (HSA) plans. Please contact your insurance provider to determine your mental health benefits. If you would like to submit information to your insurance company for reimbursement, monthly statements will be provided. We welcome and encourage conversations about billing and insurance to support clients in making the most informed and financially sustainable decision for your mental health needs.